USS Greate Pier - Home

Welcome to USS Greate Pier!

...the fanfic website for those who are (desperately?) waiting for a new Star Trek series! In the end, it might be a poor substitute for the real thing, but the fanfic episodes in this all new Star Trek series may provide you with some Star Trek reading pleasure. Instead of short fanfics you might find on the net, an episode of USS Greate Pier will roughly be as long as a normal Star Trek episode, if it were to be converted into an actual filmed episode.

This series revolves around the Akira class starship USS Greate Pier under the leadership of the Frisian Captain LT and his childhood friend Commander Eisinga as his second in command.

I will of course be creating more episodes on a regular basis, so keep checking this website every now and then and read the news section. And please, post your comments with each episode you read. Though I am a big Star Trek fan, I'm not a walking Trek encyclopedia. So, if there's anything wrong with my episodes, like things that contradict actual Star Trek episodes, movies or facts, please let me know! New ship, new crew, new adventures, new series... I hope you will enjoy the episodes...


Lord Thanatos

Visitors since january 1st 2009:

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1. Don't post any ads or URL's.
2. Lord Thanatos / USS GP is never responsible for the contents of the guestbook.
3. Post in English, Dutch, Frisian or German only!

Inappropriate messages or in other languages will be removed without notice.

June 13, 2023 - 08:53 AM
Lord Thanatos from Magna Frisia territory

  Jawis, Aldgillis! En letter dit jier in nij aventoer!
June 08, 2023 - 05:20 PM
Aldgillis from Fryslân

  Dit is blikskaters nijsgjirrich, heite!

Moai, dat it noch beskikber is.
September 07, 2016 - 11:26 AM
Martine from Nederland

  Beste Lord Thanatos,

ik probeer je te bereiken namens Omrop Fryslân, over deze prachtige website. Zou je me je nummer kunnen mailen misschien? Alvast bedankt!

Hartelijke groeten,
August 18, 2012 - 10:11 PM
Lord Thanatos from Magna Frisia territory

  Hello BMC! Welcome...

You could also have gesproken in het Nederlands hoor ;) Haha...

Ik kijk uit naar de recensies van de verhalen zodra je die tijd gevonden hebt ;)
August 18, 2012 - 11:49 AM
BMC from The Netherlands

  Hello, this is the first time I set my eyes on this website. Never to late though?
My first impression is....Very nice!!
Now I must find the time to read your story
My complements!!
August 02, 2012 - 10:34 PM
Lord Thanatos from Magna Frisia territory

  Floris is an awesome series, despite the awkward portrayal of Pier...

Good to know you learned about Pier :)It helps keeping the legend alive... I hope this site gave you some insight into the topic. Thanks for your visit and guestbook post! Now read some episodes, hehe ;)
July 30, 2012 - 11:12 PM
Bosgeus from Heelbrabant

  Grutte Pier is a great history, that I did not know off before today. He was some what bashed in the Paul Verhoeven series called Floris and Sindala, and I felt as having questions about his backgrounds.

Heroes set forth as terrorists, thieves, vandals, protestants, red, communists, pagans, anarchists, heretics, witches, whatever oppressors come up with as a trick to deceive their slaves.
"No slave, freedom is terrible; now work and shut up."
September 27, 2011 - 09:28 PM
Lord Thanatos from Magna Frisia territory

  Dank Roland & Piebe voor de complimentjes! Ik doe mijn best om de Friese volksheld Greate Pier groot te houden met mijn bijdrage via deze verhalen...

En het idee voor een Magna Frisia film klinkt helemaal niet zo slecht! Genoeg materiaal om mee te werken in die ruige tijden :)
September 27, 2011 - 08:47 PM
Piebe from Nederland

  Erg leuk gedaan. Ik zat vandaag te denken dat er wel een leuke historische film te maken is over Magna Frisia. Genoeg aansprekende figuren. Maar een StarTrek is ook mooi bedacht. Complimenten
May 25, 2011 - 09:53 AM
Roland from Fryslân

  Knap opset, dizze side. !!!
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